Saturday, February 16, 2013

Latin and Greek Root Exercise

Latin Root Exercise

Latin roots
  annus = year   manus = hand
  dictus = say, speak   versum = turn
  locatum = place   visus = see

A. Tulis kata, akar kata, dan definisi jika Anda mengetahuinya atau dapat menebaknya. Kemudian cari artinya di dalam kamus untuk mengecek definisi yang Anda berikan.
Contoh: Because of problems with his vision, Sanjaya can no longer drive a car.
Word: vision                                         Root: visus                 
Your definition: being able to see                                            
Dictionary definition: ability to see                                                                 

1.  Manual workers with no special training are unlikely to find a job that pays well.
     Word: __________________     Root: __________________________
     Your definition: _____________________________________
     Dictionary definition: _________________________________
2.  If you reverse the flow of water in the experiment, you will get the opposite results as well.
     Word: __________________     Root: __________________________
     Your definition: _____________________________________
     Dictionary definition: _________________________________
3.  Historically, the earliest churches in this region were located outside the city walls.
     Word: __________________     Root: __________________________
     Your definition: _____________________________________
     Dictionary definition: _________________________________
4.  It was difficult to predict whether the injury would result in death.
     Word: __________________     Root: __________________________
     Your definition: _____________________________________
     Dictionary definition: _________________________________
5.  The bank's annual report gave details of the growth of its activities over the past twelve months
     Word: __________________     Root: __________________________
     Your definition: ______________________________________
      Dictionary definition: __________________________________
6.  The dictator rules his country with an iron hand.
     Word: __________________     Root: __________________________
     Your definition: _______________________________________
      Dictionary definition: __________________________________

B. Kata-kata yang berkaitan dalam tabel ini didasarkan pada akar kata Latin yang sama. Tulislah kata-kata dari bagian A di samping kata-kata yang memiliki akar kata yang sama. Kemudian tulislah definisi kamus dari kata-kata yang terkait.

Word from part A Related word Definition of related word
vision   visibility  the distance it is possible to see
?   revert ?
?   visualize ?
?   manipulate ?
?   anniversary ?
?   dictation ?
?   local ?

Greek Root Exercise

Greek roots
  bios = life   logos = word, speak, reason
  chronos = time   metron = measure
  genos = race, kind   pathos = suffering, feeling
  geo = earth

A.  Tulislah kata, akar kata, dan arti jika Anda mengetahuinya atau dapat menebaknya. Kemudian carilah artinya dalam kamus untuk mengecek pekerjaan Anda.
1. She spoke to him roughly because she didn't want to look lonely and pathetic in his eyes.
    Word: ______________________    Root: ______________________
    Your definition: ____________________________________________
    Dictionary definition: ________________________________________
2. A study that includes both men and women shows many gender differences.
    Word: ______________________    Root: ______________________
    Your definition: ____________________________________________
    Dictionary definition: ________________________________________
3. According to marine biologists, the temperature of the world's oceans has risen in recent years.
    Word: ______________________    Root: ______________________
    Your definition: ____________________________________________
    Dictionary definition: ________________________________________
4. After much study, we have concluded that there is only one logical solution to this problem.
    Word: ______________________    Root: ______________________
    Your definition: ____________________________________________
    Dictionary definition: ________________________________________
5. Because schools do not emphasize geography, many children in the United States lack knowledge about other parts of the world.
    Word: ______________________    Root: ______________________
    Your definition: ____________________________________________
     Dictionary definition: ________________________________________
6. The documents in these files are arranged in chronological order from the earliest date to most recent.
    Word: ______________________    Root: ______________________
    Your definition: ____________________________________________
    Dictionary definition: ________________________________________
7. Someone has altered the meter for the building so that it no longer shows how much water is used.
    Word: ______________________    Root: ______________________
    Your definition: ____________________________________________
     Dictionary definition: ________________________________________

B. Kata-kata yang berkaitan di dalam tabel ini didasarkan pada akar kata Yunani yang sama. Tulislah kata-kata dari bagian A di samping kata-kata yang punya akar kata yang sama. Kemudian tulislah definisi kamus dari kata-kata yang berkaitan.

Word from part A Related word Definition of related word
? symphaty ?
? geocentric ?
? chronicle ?
? dialogue ?
? gene ?
? metric ?
? biodegradable ?

Answer Key (Kunci Jawaban)
Latin Root Exercise
A. .....
  1. manual- manus, operated by hand, involving the use of your hands
  2. reverse- versum, to put sth in opposite position, to change a process or a situation to be the opposite of what it was
  3. located- locatum, to find the exact position of someone or sth, to find out the exact place where someone or sth is
  4. predict- dictus, to say that sth will happen in the future, to say what you think will happen in the future
  5. annual- annus, happening or done once a year, happening once a year
  6. dictator- dictus, a ruler who rules the country by force, someone who uses force to take and keep power in a country
B. .....
  • reverse, revert, to return to a previous state or way of behaving
  • visual, visualize, to form a picture of someone or sth in your mind
  • manual, manipulate, to influence someone or control sth in a clever or dishonest way
  • annual, anniversary, a date when you celebrate sth that happened in a previous year
  • predict, dictation, the art of saying sth that someone else then writes
  • located, local, a particular place or position

Greek Root Exercise
A. .....
  1. pathetic- pathos, pitiful, causing you to feel pity or sadness
  2. gender- genos, sex, the fact of being either male or female
  3. biologists- bios, someone who studies living things, a scientist who studies living things
  4. logical- logos, reasonable, seeming natural, reasonable, or sensible
  5. geography- geo, the study of the world's surface, climate, population, the study of the earth's physical features
  6. chronological- chronos, arranged in the order, arranged in the order in which the events happened
  7. meter- metron, size, a unit for measuring length
B. .....
  1. pathetic, sympathy, a natural feeling of kindness
  2. geography, geocentric, using the earth as the center
  3. chronological, chronicle, a record of events that happened in the past
  4. logical, dialogue, a process in which two people have discussion
  5. gender, gene, a pattern of chemicals within a cell that carries information
  6. meter, metric, using the METRIC system of measurement
  7. biologists, biodegradable, biodegradable substances can be broken into very small parts by bacteria

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